May 2012
4 friends are enjoying the delicious food and a few tasteful bottles of wine in the "Hungaria" restaurant. That night there was q try-out opera-dînatoire, with the cooperation with the well-known soprano Noémie Schellens.

Different vineyards are purchased in the following weeks and months. First Grenache from Maury, then a piece of Syrah from Montner and finally a beautiful plot of Grenache Noir in Tautavel. Then the real work started. Franck Galangau, director of the cave Vignerons d'Agly, gave us the freedom to experiment and develop our own style of winemaking. An experiment, experience and dream for everyone.

The logical name of the wine was "Noémie" as she was the crystal voice that guided us that night and let us enjoy it fully. Also the choice of bottle and painting reflect the ambition to create a unique product.


